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Translation is a form of relationship expressionbetween literatures. Its role in the … of different literary legacies is very important.
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Ukrainian literature, which dates back to the days of Kievan Rus, has always tried to … the best achievements of world literature to its readers.
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Translation of works of art has a long tradition in Ukraine. Beginning from the 11th century the … of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra translated liturgical literature of Byzantine and Western origin.
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Such classics of the Ukrainian literature as G. Skovoroda, I. Kotlyarevsky, G. Kvitka-Osnov'yanenko, L. Grebinka, І. Franko, L. Ukrainka, M. Rilskiy, P. Kulish.translated a great … of works.
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Ukrainian translation school was being formed under difficult conditions, as the Ukrainian language itself was … both in tsarist Russia and after the October Revolution.
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However, despite the … Ukrainian writers wanted to convey to readers as many literary works of different peoples as possible.
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For many Ukrainian writers and translators, translation not only provides an opportunity to … readers with the masterpieces of another literature, but also expresses their understanding of these works, their attitude to the problems revealed by the author.
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It is no … that different translators turn to the same works at different times.
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For example, Shakespeare … by L. Ukrainka, M. Rylsky, Boris Ten, G. Kochur. Each of them wanted to show the reader his understanding of the genius of English and world literature, to find their own colours in the images created by Shakespeare.
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Modern translation … have changed in some way. Translators have to convey the features of the writer's creative manner, his style and artistic means as accurately as possible.
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The translator’s job is difficult and creative, because each language has its own characteristics, and a truly talented writer … it.
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The translator must have a good understanding of these characteristics in order to convey the linguistic features of the original … his language.
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