Бібліотека вебквестів
Реакція об'єктів при наведенні: Всі об'єкти неактивні, при наведенні жодним чином не виказують себе
Hi there! I'm going to tell you a story. Збери усю информацію і зрозумій, що трапилось зі мною і моїми друзями
(Past Simple. Past Continuous)
Цей рівень містить 21 інтерактивний об'єкт:
1 вихід.
20 сповіщень.
Інтерактивні об’єкти на цьому рівні:
but at the same time very happy
Good job!
It happened to me 2 days ago...
My name is Sasha
I have a lot of friends
We play football every day
We were playing football yesterday the whole evening
Suddenly I noticed
I noticed that my friend Kostya was looking for something
Kostya was angry and sad
that's why we stopped to play
and asked him
"What has happened to you?"
"What are you looking for???"
Kostya replied that he had lost his keys
and couldn't find them
we decided to help him and started to look for the keys together
We were looking for keys the whole evening
So, long story short
Oleg has found the keys
Everybody was happy
we went home very tired
Рефлексія від 6 учнів
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