Бібліотека вебквестів
Час за який потрібно виконати всі завдання: 40 хвилин
По завершенню гри буде видано сертифікат
Реакція об'єктів при наведенні: Всі об'єкти активні, похитуються при наведенні, а курсор змінюється на вказівний палець
My dear friend!
Чи задумувався ти про те, що, вивчаючи англійську мови, ми розвиваємо здібності детектива?
Якщо ні, в тебе є шанс зрозуміти це. Для того, щоб пройти цю кімнату, тобі треба вирішити деякі задачі. Уяви себе Шерлоком, який потратив до таємної кімнтати. Що б ти зробив на місці детектива?
Отже, лондонський детективе, в тебе є 40 хвилин і 12 завдань. Завдання всі англійською мовою, тому будь готовий стати справжнім Шерлоком з Бейкер-стрит.
Бажаємо тобі успіхів і цікавої гри!
Good luck, Sherlock!
HINT 1. Check out the computer.
Цей рівень містить 13 інтерактивних об'єктів:
1 вихід.
12 сповіщень з введенням відповіді.
Інтерактивні об’єкти на цьому рівні:
Jane Stane, the woman of about 30, was killed by her own husband. She was friendly and kind to others. When she was 21, she met Tom Stane, the love of her life. She had always dreamt of being a wife and a mother before.
Everything was going great. From time to time she began realizing that her husband cheated on her. At first she turned a blind eye to it, but it did not help. The betrayals continued, and the resentment became more and more. One day she told him everything what she had been thinking about. And then she regretted. He beat her so badly that she was at home for a week. She was afraid to show people that her husband had beaten her to blood.
After so many years, she found the strength to communicate with other men. She met with them every weekend, slept with them, and most importantly found support and care. She lived, made plans for the future, tried to be a mistress and a good wife, despite the fact that they were strangers. But in an instant she lost herself, she lost her life...
Translate into English "Любов зла — полюбиш і козла."
Dear Sherlock!
Ось ти і дізнався історію, яка була прихована у цій таємній кімнаті. Тепер ти можеш не тільки називати себе детективом 21 сторіччя, але й знавцем в англійській мові. Сподіваємося, тобі все сподобалося і ти готовий вирушити у нові цікаві пригоди.
See you soon!
Examining the body of the woman, Watson believes that the lady died from...
Sherlock noticed that the woman's lipstick was smudged. What was she doing before death?
HINT 2. The answer to the question will help you to move on to the next evidence.
More than 50 years ago, the lady on the photo started her own beauty industry company. The sixth largest direct selling company in the world in 2015 with total sales of US$3.7 billion incorporates in its name a popular woman's name and nonstandard spelling of OK1, representing a pronunciation.
The dead woman had received many letters before death. Where are they now?
HINT 3. The anwer to the question will help you to move on to the next evidence.
There are lots of letters in the bin. Most of all have been received from one person who lives in... street.
Read the fact and write the name of the street.
This street is famous for unrivalled shopping experience. Located in City of Westminster in the West End of London, from Tottenham Court Road to Marble Arch via Oxford Circus, it is one of the Europe’s busiest shopping street where half a million visitors visits daily to approx 300 shops.
The letters received from the stranger were written every single day. Today is the third of October, but the letter of October, 2 hasn't been found yet. Where could she have put the letter?
HINT 4. The answer to the question will help you to move on to the next evidence.
Find all the phrases and read the message. What secret had she kept before death?
Now move on to the board. Find the piece of the newspaper and read the information there.
Read the title of the newspaper. What may the murderer use as a weapon?
Now find the picture of the weapon on the board.
There are some numbers on the knife, but they are hard to see because the killer has tried to remove them. Write the answer.
Move on to the note with this number.
According to Chinese zodiac, the year 1994 has the Dog sign. People born in 1994 year of the Dog go smoothly in their career path. They try their best to do what they want to do no matter how many difficulties they may encounter. If they are engaged in work that requires patience and continuity, they can bring their potential into full play. At the same time, their characteristics and attitude to work will gain the trust of leaders and bring them opportunities for promotion. In addition, they are very suitable for starting a business of their own. They can easily get through the early stage of entrepreneurship which is very difficult.
What tense are the words in bold used in?
Find the note of the colour of the sky.
What words are suitable for a SNACK BAR?
a ticket, a coffee, a postcard, a sandwich, an apple juice, a souvenir, a ball, a shirt
Move on to the note of the colour of "aggression".
The red note was received on the 14th of February. The message of it is "In good time".
How do we know what time it is?
Move on to the clock on the wall.
The clock stopped at 1:38. Now you will learn the name of the second girl killed by the murderer. Use the English alphabet and write down the answer.
REMARK! "a" is 1, "b" is 2, "c" is 3, and so on.
38 is the sum of the two letters.
Now you can move to the note the colour of which is similar to fruit.
Amy Flower is the name of the second girl who lost her life at the age of 22. She worked in the library. On the 4th of May, she met a handsome man. She had never seen such a kind person in her life before. He was so polite and open that they went to a pub and had long talks till the midnight. The midnight changed her life forever.
Find the answer of the next destination point in the text.
Move on to the flower.
In the flowerpot you have found the picture of the murderer. The face is hidden, because he is a closed person. Some information about him can help you identidy who he is.
He is 28 y.o. He is good-looking and atheletic. He prefers going to the gym and running his own business. One day he met a gorgeous woman. She was 21. He knew that she would be his wife. After a half of the year, they married. He was on top of the world. Being the happiest man, he was sure that her woman would never leave him. So, it happened. He made her leave hime himself...FOREVER.
Who is he for the dead woman?
Move on the main picture of the board.
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