Бібліотека вебквестів
Реакція об'єктів при наведенні: Всі об'єкти неактивні, при наведенні жодним чином не виказують себе
Hello to everybody! Welcome to our web-quest! Are you ready to start our interesting journey?
So, in this room you can find interesting information about Britain. Do you know something about it?
Be clever and attentive.The fastest is the winner!
Let`s start!
Good luck!
P.S. Start each answer with the capital letter.
Цей рівень містить 13 інтерактивних об'єктів:
1 вихід.
12 сповіщень з введенням відповіді.
Інтерактивні об’єкти на цьому рівні:
13.Whats the name of the capital in the UK?
1.What part of England is London located?
2. What language did people speak in England before the 14th century?
Well done!
3. What kind of state is it?
4. What is the difference in traffic and driving between Ukraine and England?
5. What is the highest mountain in the UK?
6. What is a name of the most mysterious place in Britain?
7. What is a name of the British flag?
8. What is a national flower of Scotland?
Very good!
9. What animal is on the emblem of Wales?
Well done!
10. Who is the main patron and holiday in Ireland?
11.What is the capital of the Northern Ireland?
Very well!
12.What is the name of the Queen of England?
Рефлексія від 26 учнів
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