Бібліотека вебквестів
Реакція об'єктів при наведенні: Всі об'єкти активні, похитуються при наведенні, а курсор змінюється на вказівний палець
Додано власні фрази, якщо підказка за об'єктом відсутня
Hello, choose the image ( a child or a thing) and read a topic. Think for a minute and speak on your topic. You need to say 15-20 sentences.
Цей рівень містить 15 інтерактивних об'єктів:
1 вихід.
14 сповіщень.
Інтерактивні об’єкти на цьому рівні:
Your friend goes to England for a month. Give him/her some advice
about what to take to England.
Good job!
Your photographs show people doing different sports. I’d like you to compare the photographs and say why you think it is important to have the right clothes for a sport.
1 Is it important to have the right clothes for a sport if you are just doing it for fun?
2 Do you think some people spend too much money on sports fashions? Why? / Why not?
3 Do you think it is important to look good when you are doing a sport? Why? / Why not?
4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing an amusing costume to run a marathon?
Why is it important to have the right clothes for a sport? Compare the photographs and say why you think it is important to have the right clothes for a sport.
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