Бібліотека вебквестів
Реакція об'єктів при наведенні: Всі об'єкти активні, похитуються при наведенні, а курсор змінюється на вказівний палець
Good luck! I know that you love your school very much. Let's remember our school subects)
Цей рівень містить 9 інтерактивних об'єктів:
1 вихід.
7 сповіщень.
1 сповіщення з введенням відповіді.
Інтерактивні об’єкти на цьому рівні:
You come to know about animals, plants, nature in general in thi lesson. This is the fourth letter of your vkey and you need the fourth letter.
You are the perfect)
A school subect where you can use the computer and surf the Internet. This is the first letter of your key and you need the second letter.
A school subect where you can learn about the past battles, past events, wars, famous people.This is the second letter of your key and you need the second letter.
A school lesson where you can sing songs, play different musical instruments. This is the third letter of your key and you need the first letter.
It's school subect where you can draw and paint different pictures. This is the fifth letter of the key and you need the third letter.
In this lesson you can use numbers and do different calculations. This is the sixth letter of your key and you need the second letter
It's the place where you can take and borrow different books. This is the seventh letter of your key and you need the third letter.
This is school subject where you can read, translate and learn foreign words. This is the eighth letter of your key and you need the fourth letter
School subect where you can do physical exercises and play different games...This is the last letter of your key, and you need the second letter.
Рефлексія від 3 учнів
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