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Big Brother was one of the first ...... shows, wasn't it ?
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The last episode of Friends attracted a record number of .......
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I enjoy watching ...... films with my children as they love the crazy characters.
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The film was ....... on location in Kenya.
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Our neighbours have just bought a TV with an enormous ....... They'll have to sit in the garden to watch it !
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My grandparents can remember when there were only three ...... on television.
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Some comedians can be so ........... especially when they shout and use bad language. It's just not funny.
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The Bourne Trilogy thrillers were incredibly ........ . I was on the edge of my seat most of the time.
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I don't know what all the fuss was about. I thought the film was .......
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The whole story was ......... . I just couldn't take it seriously.
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The film was ......... in my opinion so I'm buying the DVD for all my friends.
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The film was so ...... it made me cry.
Рефлексія від 43 учнів
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