
Professions Around Us. Use of English (Grammar and Vocabulary)

придбати тест

25 грн

Після покупки цей тест відразу стане доступним для використання повною мірою. Запитів на доступ не потрібно відправляти. Всі придбані тести зберігаються в розділі мої придбані матеріали.

Опис тесту (учням цей опис не показується):

Grammar: Relative pronouns, Gerund
Vocabulary: Professions


Вміст тесту:
Опис, який учні побачать перед початком тестування

0601tl73-4b17-940x540.pngBe ready to read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap.

Grammar: Relative pronouns, Gerund
Vocabulary: Professions


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 15 балів

Read and choose the correct option for the 1 gap

There are many different (1) ___________ in the world, and each one is important in its own way. A doctor is someone (2) ___________ helps people get better when they are sick. Doctors work in hospitals, which are places (3) ___________ people go to feel better. They study in medical university, which is a place (4) ___________ they learn everything they need to know about the human body. A teacher is a person (5) ___________ job is to help students learn. They work in schools, which are buildings where children and teenagers go to gain knowledge. When children start school, teachers help them learn (6) ___________ and write. Teachers explain subjects so students are interested in (7) ___________ . Another important profession is a police officer. Police officers keep our communities safe. They help people (8) ___________ homes have been broken into or whose cars are missing. Police officers also direct traffic so cars can move smoothly. It is a (9) ___________ that requires great courage and responsibility. An artist is a person (10) ___________ work is creative. Artists paint pictures, make sculptures and create music. Artists work in studios, (11) ___________ are places where they can use their imagination (12) ___________ something new. Finally, an engineer is someone (13) ___________ designs and builds things like bridges and buildings. Engineers use math and science to solve problems. They work on projects that make our world a better place by (14) ___________ structures that are strong and safe. These are just a few examples of the many (15) ___________ out there. Each one has special skills and purposes and the people who work in these jobs are important for our communities.


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 15 балів

Read and choose the correct option for the 2 gap

There are many different (1) ___________ in the world, and each one is important in its own way. A doctor is someone (2) ___________ helps people get better when they are sick. Doctors work in hospitals, which are places (3) ___________ people go to feel better. They study in medical university, which is a place (4) ___________ they learn everything they need to know about the human body. A teacher is a person (5) ___________ job is to help students learn. They work in schools, which are buildings where children and teenagers go to gain knowledge. When children start school, teachers help them learn (6) ___________ and write. Teachers explain subjects so students are interested in (7) ___________ . Another important profession is a police officer. Police officers keep our communities safe. They help people (8) ___________ homes have been broken into or whose cars are missing. Police officers also direct traffic so cars can move smoothly. It is a (9) ___________ that requires great courage and responsibility. An artist is a person (10) ___________ work is creative. Artists paint pictures, make sculptures and create music. Artists work in studios, (11) ___________ are places where they can use their imagination (12) ___________ something new. Finally, an engineer is someone (13) ___________ designs and builds things like bridges and buildings. Engineers use math and science to solve problems. They work on projects that make our world a better place by (14) ___________ structures that are strong and safe. These are just a few examples of the many (15) ___________ out there. Each one has special skills and purposes and the people who work in these jobs are important for our communities.


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 15 балів

Read and choose the correct option for the 3 gap

There are many different (1) ___________ in the world, and each one is important in its own way. A doctor is someone (2) ___________ helps people get better when they are sick. Doctors work in hospitals, which are places (3) ___________ people go to feel better. They study in medical university, which is a place (4) ___________ they learn everything they need to know about the human body. A teacher is a person (5) ___________ job is to help students learn. They work in schools, which are buildings where children and teenagers go to gain knowledge. When children start school, teachers help them learn (6) ___________ and write. Teachers explain subjects so students are interested in (7) ___________ . Another important profession is a police officer. Police officers keep our communities safe. They help people (8) ___________ homes have been broken into or whose cars are missing. Police officers also direct traffic so cars can move smoothly. It is a (9) ___________ that requires great courage and responsibility. An artist is a person (10) ___________ work is creative. Artists paint pictures, make sculptures and create music. Artists work in studios, (11) ___________ are places where they can use their imagination (12) ___________ something new. Finally, an engineer is someone (13) ___________ designs and builds things like bridges and buildings. Engineers use math and science to solve problems. They work on projects that make our world a better place by (14) ___________ structures that are strong and safe. These are just a few examples of the many (15) ___________ out there. Each one has special skills and purposes and the people who work in these jobs are important for our communities.

Запитання №4 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №5 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №6 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №7 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №8 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №9 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №10 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №11 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №12 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №13 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №14 З однією правильною відповіддю

Запитання №15 З однією правильною відповіддю

Опис, який учні побачать після проходження тестування


Рефлексія від 12 учнів


12 0


12 0

Потрібні роз'яснення:

12 0
придбати тест

25 грн

Після покупки цей тест відразу стане доступним для використання повною мірою. Запитів на доступ не потрібно відправляти. Всі придбані тести зберігаються в розділі мої придбані матеріали.


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