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З полем для вводу відповіді
Complete the sentences with the past simple negative form of the verbs in brackets. (use short form)
1) I ... (do) my homework yesterday evening.
2) My mum ...(study) English at school.
3) My father ... (like) his job.
4) My parents ... (go) to work last week. It was a holiday.
5) We... (meet) our friends at the party.
6) I ... (walk) to school. I took the bus.
З вибором правильної відповіді у тексті
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1) My [boss, staff]is really nice. She gives me a lot of responsibility.
2) I would like to [start, earn]a lot of money.
3) My father works in a very big [customer, office]in the centre of the town.
4) We were very [busy, friendly]at work yesterday. There was no time for lunch.
5) I work in a shop. I help the [company, customers]with their shopping.
6) The [staff, business]all wear green shirts.
З однією правильною відповіддю
Read the article and choose the right questions.
1) What kind of work did Dylan do with the photographer?
З однією правильною відповіддю
2) What does Dylan say about this week?
З однією правильною відповіддю
Why was Jake upset?
З однією правильною відповіддю
What does Jake say about his week?
З однією правильною відповіддю
What did Jake decide at the end of the day?
З однією правильною відповіддю
Listen to the conversation between Lauren and Ben about work experience. Choose the correct person
1) ... went to work by train.
З однією правильною відповіддю
2)... worked in an office.
З однією правильною відповіддю
3) ... started at 8 o'clock in the morning.
З однією правильною відповіддю
4)... liked the staff.
З однією правильною відповіддю
5) ... didn't wear a T-shirt.
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