
B1 Review 6 (Units 16,17,18) (Pronouns & possessive determiners, relative clauses; Inventions & discoveries)

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This test is for those who are mastering B1 level of English

Джерела використаної інформації: розкрити закрити
Destination B1 Grammar & Vocabulary by Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles
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Із заповненням пропусків у тексті

8 з 42 балів

Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

  • I found the photo by chance when I was tidying my room. across

    I             the photo when I was tidying my room.

  • Fridges and freezers are not the same thing. difference

    There                         fridges and freezers.

  • Scientists should never invent their results. made

    Results should never               scientists.

  • Don't put those plastic bags in the bin - use them again! away

    Don't                               use them again!

  • Our car stopped working on the motorway, so we had to call a mechanic. down

    We had to call a mechanic when our car            on the motorway.

  • A new medicine was developed because of the work Dr Wang did. resulted

    Dr Wang's                  a new medicine being developed

  • There are quite a few things that I’d like to invent! number

    There are             things that I'd like to invent!

  • Make sure you fill the bottle with water before you start the experiment. full

    Make sure the bottle            water before you start the experiment.


Із заповненням пропусків у тексті

8 з 42 балів

B Write one word in each gap.

  • Turn all the lights     when you leave the room. We don't want to waste electricity!

  •    my opinion, modern technology has improved all our lives.

  • Could you disconnect your laptop      the Internet when you've finished checking your e-mail?

  • We thought the experiment would work, but    the end it didn't.

  •    last, someone has buit a battery-powered skateboard!

  • How many different types    building can you think of?

  • That programme is about to start, so I’ll turn    the TV.

  • Ice floats in water. Can you think of a reason     that?


Із заповненням пропусків у тексті

8 з 42 балів

C Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

  • The        (LONG) of the train is exactly 100 metres.

  • I think astronomy is absolutely             (FASCINATE)!

  • Lee and Greg are twins, but they don't dress             (IDENTICAL).

  • I've come to the            (CONCLUDE) that no one should have a car.

  • Why do all            (SCIENCE) have untidy hair?

  • Pour the         (BOIL) water over the tea bag and leave for a few minutes.

  • Make sure your              (MEASURE) are accurate.

  • My brother is studying           (CHEMIST) at university.


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

Did someone help Alison or did she do all the calculations .............?


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

That's not your calculator. lt's. ..............


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

Einstein is the person ................ showed that time can speed up and slow down.


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

Do you know ............. idea it was? Was it Greg's or Fiona's?


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

This is the laboratory ........... we do all the experiments.


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

Ostroh, .............is a small city in Rivne region, is famous for its oldest university in Ukraine.


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

That's the girl ............. father says he's invented a time machine!


З однією правильною відповіддю

1 з 42 балів

Is this our DVD or is it ............. ?


З вибором правильної відповіді у тексті

10 з 42 балів

Choose the correct answer.

Technology and the young

Modern technology is changing and improving all the time. Every month, scientists            [estimate, invent, involve, experiment] new gadgets and              [experiments, effects, laboratories, equipment]to help us with our daily lives, and          [involve, discover, decrease, connect]ways to make existing technology faster and better. Our homes are full of hardware (such as DVD players and computers) and          [screens, gadgets, software, laptops](such as computer games and MP3s).

           [Research, Experiment, Program, Technology]suggests, however, that it's young people who are best able to deal with this change. Whereas teenagers have no problem             [involving, operating, discovering, inventing]a DVD player, their mums and dads and grandparents often find using new technology             [automatic, unique, sudden, complicated]and difficult.

But if you're a teenager who criticises your parents for their            [research, experiment, effect, lack]of technological awareness, don't be too hard on them! Some time    [to, in, on, at]the future, when you’ve got children of your own, your ability to deal with new technology will probably          [decrease, involve, lack, estimate] and your children will feel more comfortable with new technology than you do. You won't want them to criticise you, will you?

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Потрібні роз'яснення:

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Pronouns and determiners

Pronouns and determiners


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Англійська мова
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Relative Clauses

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Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses


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Relative Clauses

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Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses


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