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На встановлення відповідності
Match the pictures a–h with the jobs 1–8.
postal worker
police officer
Із заповненням пропусків у тексті
З вибором правильної відповіді у тексті
Choose the correct words.
Someone dropped a cigarette and started the fire. We managed to put it out and nobody died. [firefighter, police officer].
The police say he did it, but he says he didn’t do it. I’m speaking for him in court. [actor, lawyer].
The wiring was bad. That’s why the lights didn’t work. [builder, electrician].
I did these paintings ten years ago. It was my blue period. [scientist, artist].
We’re asking a million mobile phone users some questions. [researcher, lab technician].
I’ve got a part in a play, so I need to rehearse every day. [postal worker, actor].
In our laboratory we’re trying to make new kinds of sun cream. [politician, scientist].
З вибором правильної відповіді у тексті
Listen to the news story. Choose true or false.
1. Martin Jones was a doctor. [True, False]
2. Martin Jones lost his sight in an accident. [True, False]
3. Martin Jones was blind for 12 years. [True, False]
4. The technology used a special optical lens. [True, False]
5. The patient's immune system rejected the plastic lens. [True, False]
6. The optical lens was implanted into Martin's eye directly. [True, False]
7. Martin met his wife, Gill, after he regained his sight. [True, False]
8. Martin is unhappy about his "science-fiction eye." [True, False]
9. Scientists are not planning any more operations using the new technology. [True, False]
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