Україна, Одеська область, м.Одеса
+38 показати
li показати
Англійська мова, Зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання, Німецька мова
Досвід викладання від 1 до 3 років
Досвід репетиторства від 1 до 3 років
Дні занять:
Час занять:
— Нульовий
— Початковий
— Базовий
— Нижче середнього
— Середній
— Вище середнього
— Високий
— Продвинутий
— Професійний
— Індивідуальні заняття
— Невеликі групи
— Допомога у розв'язанні контрольних
— Підготовка до випускного іспиту (ЗНО)
— З виїздом до учня
— На території викладача
— Віддалено
My experience began with an internship to which I was often sent by the university. The first time I tried my hand as a teacher, it was at a simple school. Later, I taught at a university, now I work at an online school too, but I'm looking for an alternative
My name is Mikhail. Now I live in Odesa. I'm 22 years old. I am very friendly and communicative. I happen really impatient and curious. I do not think my life is boring because every day confronted with something new and interesting for me.
I use different methods of teaching because of the different types and characters of my students. But mostly I can distinguish the following language teaching methods:
1)Flipped classroom - the essence of the method: students get an assignment to work through the material (video lecture, for example) before the lesson, and directly in the lesson they do not spend time discussing theory, but devote to active practice
2) The CLIL method, based on teaching subjects from the school curriculum in English, helps to address several issues at once, such as learning the history of a country and, at the same time, practicing the past tense. In this approach language is not a goal, but a means for acquiring information.
3) Game-Based Learning
4) Inquiry-based learning.
Here, learning is focused on the student and his or her inquiry.