

Опис уроку (учням цей опис не показується):

Read the new words and their definitions. Make some sentences with these words.

The new words and their definitions (HO1)

1. information technology (IT)

the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers, for storing, accessing, analysing and sending information;

2. an experience

the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing something for a period of time; the process of gaining this;

3. a qualification

the achievement of passing exams for a particular job;

4. a quality

a thing that is part of a person’s character, especially something good;

5. a requirement

something that is

6. staff

people who work for an organization, especially for business;

7. to earn

to get money for work that you do;

8. to provide

to give something to somebody or make it available for them to use;

9. to require

to need something; to depend on somebody / something;

10. to seek

to look very hard for someone;

11. desirable

that you would like to have or do; worth having or doing;

12. essential

very important for doing something;

13. valuable

worth a lot of money; very useful or important;

14. fluent

able to speak, read or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well.

Вміст уроку:

Урок не містить жодного завдання. Додайте завдання.

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Вільне введення тексту

Read the new words and their definitions. Make some sentences with these words.

The new words and their definitions (HO1)

1. information technology (IT)

the study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers, for storing, accessing, analysing and sending information;

2. an experience

the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing something for a period of time; the process of gaining this;

3. a qualification

the achievement of passing exams for a particular job;

4. a quality

a thing that is part of a person’s character, especially something good;

5. a requirement

something that is

6. staff

people who work for an organization, especially for business;

7. to earn

to get money for work that you do;

8. to provide

to give something to somebody or make it available for them to use;

9. to require

to need something; to depend on somebody / something;

10. to seek

to look very hard for someone;

11. desirable

that you would like to have or do; worth having or doing;

12. essential

very important for doing something;

13. valuable

worth a lot of money; very useful or important;   

14. fluent

able to speak, read or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well.


Теоретичний блок

Поєднати слова з визначенням (цифри із буквами, переписувати речення непотрібно). Завдання робити в зошиті.

Рефлексія від 4 учнів


1 3


1 3

Потрібні роз'яснення:

3 1




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