
Nature’s Beauty. Seasons and Weather.

Опис уроку (учням цей опис не показується):

практикувати учнів в усному мовленні за темою «Пори року»;

  • вдосконалювати навички в читанні по темі пори року;

  • прилучати учнів до природи, її змін за порами року;

  • розширювати освітній кругозір учнів.

Вміст уроку:

Урок не містить жодного завдання. Додайте завдання.

Щоб додати завдання, оберіть категорію завдання на панелі запитань.


Теоретичний блок

Good morning, pupils. Glad to see you.

The theme of our lesson is: Nature’s Beauty. Seasons and Weather.

   Today we are going to speak about different seasons and weather. You’ll practice 

   your skills in speaking and reading, listening and writing. I wish you good luck.

  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу: Let’s start with a song                  

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

Answer my questions:

  1. How many seasons are there in a year?

  2. How many months are there in a season?

  3. How many months are there in a year?

  4. What seasons do you know?

  5. What season is it now?

    Do Ex.1, p.172

    1. Winter months are December, January, February.

Spring months are March, April, May.

Summer months are June, July, August.

Autumn months are September, October, November.

2.Summer begins in June.

Autumn begins in September.

Spring begins in March.

Winter begins in December.

3.There are 30 or 31 days in a month. Only February has 28 or 29 days.

4.There are 12 months in a year.

5.Yes, it does. It often snows in my town in winter.

6.My favourite pastime in summer is playing different games outdoors, because it’s very fun.

Reading. Ex.2, p.172-173  (Читання)

  1. Now, pupils, let’s read four texts about different seasons.

Your task is to fill in the gaps with the words from the boxes.

Now read the sentences and say if they true or false.    (ex. 3, p. 173)

Vocabulary work, p. 173,175



Вільне введення тексту

Monday, the eleventh of April


Do the seasons quiz                                

Read and guess what the weather is like? Use the words from the box.

hot and sunny;  windy and stormy;  frosty and snowy;

wet and rainy;  cool and cloudy; foggy and chilly 


1.I’m wearing my waterproof boots and a jacket. I can’t go out without my umbrella. 

                                                                                                                          (The weather is…

2.I’m wearing flip-flops, shorts and a top. The days are very hot and dry. 

                                                                                                                          (The weather is…

3. I can’t go out of the house. Leaves and papers are flying all around.

                                                                                                                          (The weather is …

4. We are planning a picnic, but I don’t think we can go. Look at the sky – it is completely grey.                                                                (The weather is …

5.The children are very happy. They can make a snowman and play snowballs.

                                                                                                (The weather is …

6.Our car don’t go. We nothing to see. We are frozen very much.


                                                                                     (The weather is …

Рефлексія від 15 учнів


15 0


15 0

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14 1

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